Final Presentation + Infographic


  • 30% of Final Mark
  • Infographics and zines will be printed and displayed in a public setting
  • Similar to an academic poster presentation, group members will be responsible for engaging audience members in a discussion about their project, mediated through the project infographic or zine.
  • Groups will be assessed on the quality of their infographic or zine as well as their presentation style during the public session

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the purposes of, and potential uses for, infographics and/or zines
  2. Cultivate creative visual + oral communication skills
  3. Disseminate the key findings and implications of your community-based project to diverse audiences


Infographic and Zine

  • Refer to detailed instructions in Session Notes on Developing Infographics and Zines
  • Create an infographic or zine that represents a summary of your community-based project in a visually engaging way, focusing on the following:
  1. Our Partnership
  2. The Issue
  3. Why It Matters
  4. Our Approach
  5. What We Found
  6. Next Steps
  • Don't re-invent the wheel! Note that this follows the same format as your proposal, plus findings and discussion. This is an opportunity to integrate feedback from your TA/instructor/community partner and revise and refine your key's all connected!


  • All infographic posters and zines will be printed, posted, and made available in the AMS Nest.
  • Community partners, faculty members, and the general public will be encouraged to circulate, review your posters or zines and ask questions.
  • Your TA and another individual will assess your infographic or zine and presentation
  • 2 group members will be expected to be present at all times to engage with individuals as they approach your poster or zine.
  • Prepare an Elevator Pitch (2-3mins summary of your project) and prepare to go into further detail about your project specifics.
  • Visit this site for tips on how to prepare and present your Elevator Pitch
  • Be proactive! Don't wait for individuals to talk to you.
  • Posters are stationary, but zines can travel! If your group made a zine, walk around and start a conversation with folks in the space. Use your zine to break the ice: "Hey, do you want to learn more about [insert project topic]? Check out our zine..."
  • Practice, practice, practice.