- 5% of Final Mark
- Each group will submit a 5 minute pre-recorded video to present with an additional 5 minutes for questions.
- The video structure highlights key sections of your Project Proposal.
- Each member of the team is required to participate in the planning, development, and Q&A of the presentation. Not all group members need to be in the video.
Overall objective of the proposal report
- To provide a means for your community partner and the teaching team to provide feedback on the design of your project
Learning Objectives
1. Critically analyze connections between food, health, and the environment within food security discourse.
- Evaluate the contributions of different food-related academic disciplines to addressing food security issues
- Integrate disciplinary and systems approaches to understanding food security issues
2. Propose, implement and evaluate a community-based food systems project with an interdisciplinary team.
- Articulate community values and objectives within broader food system theories
- Apply the principles of Asset-Based Community Development to address a community food security issue
- Propose a course of action to address a community food security issue
3. Interact professionally with project team members and community stakeholders
- Develop and disseminate knowledge that is useful to key stakeholders through oral communication
- The video should follow the guidelines of the proposal within the time allotted.
Upload a 5min video highlighting the fundamentals of your proposal (see suggested structure below (Background + Significance, OMF, Evaluation Plan)).
Background + Significance
- Partnership - with whom are you working? What type of organization are they? What is the organization's mission? What is the scope and scale of their food-related activities?
- What the issue that you have been asked to address through your project (remember to use asset-based language)?
- How does your project relate to the dimensions of Hamm and Bellows (2003) definition of community food security?
- Why does this issue matter, broadly?
- What have others done in this area? How is you project similar and/or different?
Outcome Measurement Framework (OMF)
- State your projects short term outcome and briefly explain how it connects to intermediate and long term outcomes of the organization you are working with
- Walk us through your OMF. Briefly describe the activities you will implement to reach your short-term outcome?
- What are the main outputs associated with each activity?
Evaluation Plan
- What indicators will you assess to determine if your activities are leading towards reaching your short-term outcome?