Livingstone Elementary Food Literacy Program: Exploring dairy & dairy alternatives


Livingstone Elementary school would like a group of LFS 350 students to conduct a series of food literacy workshops exploring the role of dairy and dairy alternatives with a Grade 4 or 5 class. The objective of the workshops will be to have Livingstone students learn more about the food system and dairy through engaging, experiential and inquiry-based learning activities. In the fall, the BC Dairy Association’s Mobile Dairy Classroom Experience will be visiting the school, presenting a great opportunity for Livingstone students to engage with dairy and dairy alternatives through hands-on experiences. To complement the cow’s visit, LFS 350 students can build other hands-on workshops, such as yogurt making and nutritional diversity and complementarity in milk, milk alternatives, and other food items. Concepts explored can touch on many aspects of the programs in our faculty: agricultural production, animal biology and welfare, food safety, nutrition, and cultural practices of consumption.

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