The Little Mountain Riley Park Neighbourhood Food Network (LM-RP NFN) wants to create a mini food-hub and write Operational Procedures for community gardens at Riley Park. Students working on this project will identify an appropriate model, determine the logistics, and develop a plan for the mini-food hub; additionally, you will review existing models and propose Operational Procedures for community gardens (the UBC Community Engagement Librarian can suggest appropriate references). While some work can be done remotely, students will be expected to visit community gardens in LM-RP some evenings and to attend the Sustenance Festival on Sunday October 18. This project is especially relevant for students majoring in food and the environment or plant science and/or who want to learn more about urban agriculture, food environments, and education. For this project, you need to be knowledgeable about growing food and able to create and use a survey. Throughout the project, you’ll learn about asset mapping, the BC curriculum and successful community garden models.