Assessing the availability and use of kitchens for community food programming in Vancouver – Downtown


The City of Vancouver’s Social Policy Department- Food Strategy Implementation Team wants to know more about the type, condition, and use of publicly accessible kitchens in the city in order to plan appropriate improvements. Each student group will be assigned a neighbourhood to conduct site visits and interviews with kitchen staff and then will make recommendations to improve the use and quality of existing programming. Some of the kitchens are not located within city facilities, so students need to be comfortable visiting other public locations such as religious spaces, UWCA, Union Gospel Mission, etc. This project is especially relevant for students majoring in food and the environment or food, nutrition and health and/or who want to learn more about food environments, education and food literacy. For this project, you need to be organized, able to work independently, and have some experience cooking. Food Safe training is an asset. Throughout the project, you’ll develop interviewing and analytical skills and will learn how to do a kitchen assessment.

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