Project Title
Hasting Learning Garden Engagement
Organization Name
Hastings Community Association
Community garden, urban agriculture, community planning, civic engagement, intergenerational, inclusion, diversity
Related Course Concepts
Food security, Food Literacy
Organization Information
Organization Name
Hastings Community Association
Mission and Vision of Organization
To increase the capacity & connection of the Hastings Sunrise Community through empowering food & garden programming
The Hastings Sunrise Community will be an active player in helping Vancouver become a global leader in urban foods systems through strengthening our food & garden skills to create a community connected through growing & sharing our own food.
Guiding Principles + Values
Contact Information
- Primary Contact Person(s): Shayna Huang
- Email:
- Phone: 604-718-6230
- Address: 3096 E Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V5K 2A3
- Website: Seasons of Food
Preferred Method of Contact
- Best method(s) to contact: Email
- Best day(s) to contact: Wednesdays, Thursdays
- Best time(s) to contact: Mornings
Project Description
The LFS350 students will focus on the Wednesday community Learning Garden drop-in to help us create ideas and dialogue on how community members can get more involved and feel more included in the garden space. The students could organize listening/dialogue/workshop time(s) and space(s) for community members to share ideas for getting more neighbours involved in the garden. The students could compile these ideas into a report or other format that would help you move forward with a garden inclusion plan. If keen, the students could help create and deliver workshops for the neighboring elementary school students who have been regularly involved in the garden. This could involve discussion with the students and the teachers to identify topics of interest, designing, and delivering age-appropriate activities.
What challenge or issue does the project aim to address?
We are seeking community processes that promote inclusion, intergenerational and intercultural programming, and community garden stewardship.
Student Assets and Skills (preferred or required)
- Outgoing, polite, professional, good listener, accepting, empathic, self-starter
Student Assets and Skills (to be developed through the project)
- Engagement, interviewing, organization, leadership, communication, decision-making, problem solving, feedback skills
Is a criminal record check required?
If a criminal record check is required, when should the process be initiated?
At the first community partner meeting (September 18, 2019)
Project Location
3096 E Hastings St, Vancouver, BC V5K 2A3
Preferred Days of Week and Hours
Wednesdays 9-2pm
Project/Partner Orientation Materials
Students should review these materials prior to the first partner meeting:
- Vancouver community leaders on the role of food in cultural inclusion and engagement (2018 Vancouver Park Board report)
- We are listening: Engaging patients and families on the Patient, Family, and Community Inclusion Policy and toolkit (Provincial Health Services Authority report)
- Elliot, B. et. al (2012). "We are not being heard": Aboriginal perspectives on traditional foods access and food security. Journal of Environmental and Public Health.
- Putting your kitchen to work: A resource guide for increasing the use of publicly accessible kitchens through food based programming (2017 City of Vancouver Report)
- Let's mobilize: How to start a community action program (Community Food Centre Canada resource)
Additional Project/Partner Orientation Materials
The following will be provided at the first community partner meeting:
- building & garden tour, in-person community orientation.
Related Community Service Opportunities for Students
- We are always looking for volunteers with our entire Food & Garden portfolio!
- Community Gathering Luncheon (bi-weekly) Elementary School Garden Days (weekly)
- Intergenerational Garden Days (weekly)
- Various food & sustainability workshops (monthly)
Expected Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
I hope students will learn about...
- The potential urban food systems have in Vancouver
I think students will come to appreciate...
- The strength and impact of an engaged and empowered community
Through this project, students will develop...
- A sense of looking at the bigger picture and facilitating needs assessments
Organizational Outcomes
Intended Project Outcome
- Intergenerational and intercultural learning and connections are created in the garden. The community feels a sense of ownership & belonging in the Learning Garden and become engaged and excited to plan future programming and outcomes they desire to see.
Medium Term Outcomes
If the student project is part of a larger project at your organization, how will the students' work contribute to the goals of this larger project?
- We would like to strengthen our intergenerational connections within our community and learning in the garden. With the students developing ideas and dialogue on how community members can get more involved and feel more included in the garden space this will directly impact the success of our project.
How does the student project contribute to your organization's mission and long-term vision?
- With this project, the students will increase the capacity & connection of the Hastings Sunrise Community through engaging and finding ways to implement empowering food & garden programming. We would like our garden space to be an active space in helping Vancouver become a global leader in urban foods systems through meeting the needs our community. Therefore the students will be vital to help direct our actions going forward.