12. Choice School: Replan and rebuild existing school garden with students eager to help!


Project Title

Replan and rebuild existing school garden with students eager to help!

Organization Name

Choice School for the Gifted and Exceptional

Organization Information

Organization Name

Choice School for the Gifted and Exceptional

Mission and Vision of Organization

Parents, staff and students work cooperatively to ensure that all students receive an exceptional education at Choice and leave us as confident leaders and life-long learners. The school provides programs which are well suited to gifted learners and also provides a community focus for families in the area who are looking for an all-round excellent education for their children. The aim of the school is to offer an excellent education, innovative programs and many extension and enrichment opportunities for all of its students.

For over 30 years, this school has provided and continues to provide a learning environment specifically tailored for high potential, high ability, gifted learners. The program offered at Choice is unique. While meeting the requirements of delivering the BC Ministry of Education curriculum, it also draws on a large body of research and best practices for the provision of appropriate learning for students who have identified gifts and talents.

Guiding Principles + Values

Choice provides a dynamic environment in which individual abilities and differences are recognized, accepted and supported. Our experienced teachers are experts in supporting gifted and twice-exceptional learners, and share their students’ excitement for the adventure of learning.

At our school we will:

  • Take on new challenges
  • Value the opinions and differences of others
  • Care for others
  • Represent our school with pride
  • Apply our best efforts at all times

Contact Information

Preferred Method of Contact

  • Best method(s) to contact: Email
  • Best day(s) to contact: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
  • Best time(s) to contact: Afternoons

Preferred Platform(s) for Remote Collaboration

  • In person, Email, Zoom

Project Description

Context: What challenge or issue does the project aim to address?

The garden at Choice School has been successful for the last two years. Mr. McLaren has worked with the students grades K-7 to plan, plant, grow, harvest and maintain the garden. Students have grown the following: carrots, potatoes, kale, artichokes, lettuce, beets, turnips, tomatoes, herbs, spinach, zucchini, corn, strawberries, flowers, radish, garlic, squash, pumpkins and more! The students have eaten 90% of all the harvest either at school, munching at recess and lunch, to take home and share with their families or to have special classes where they prepared the harvest for a class garden treat! Students learning fo all things gardening has also been complimented by their classroom teachers. One very important thing is that since students are not in school from the end go June to the beginning of September, that a volunteer plan needs to be in place for tending to the garden and making sure students are still able to enjoy the harvest during the summer. This has been successful for the last two summers (2020 and 2021).


Main Project Activities and Deliverables

The idea for this project is to have the Choice Middle School students work with the UBC students to re-design the existing school garden and then to re-build the garden beds. To compliment this the students will all work together to create a sustainable and forward thinking growing plan. The school already has most of the supplies needed to re-build the garden and they also have all the necessary tools.

  • Choice students will research many examples of garden bed structures and designs.
  • Students will research local seed companies and plants best suited to our climate zone.

Note: Due to Covid-19 safety protocols, only two UBC students can be present at the school at a time. All work and instruction must take place outdoors; Choice School has an outdoor classroom which will provide a setting for outdoor instruction.

Are there any mandatory attendance dates (e.g. special event)?

  • N/A

Is proof of Covid-19 vaccination required?

  • Yes

Will the project take place online, in person, or a combination?

  • Online and in person

Is a criminal record search (CRS) required?

  • No

Required Reading

Project/Partner Orientation Materials

Students should review these materials prior to the first partner meeting:

Additional Project/Partner Orientation Materials

  • N/A

Expected Outcomes

Intended Short-term Project Outcome

Students plan and build garden beds and create crop plan so that garden beds that will not need much maintenance for several years. Choice School will have a crop plan that is realistic and provides a diverse array of harvest, and provides the students with a very deep experience of the joys and work needed to create and maintain a school garden.

Learning Outcomes

Through this project, I think students will learn about...

  • Working with youth in grades 6-7.

By working on this project, I think students will develop skills and/or awareness of...

  • How to explain things, pace things and how to set realistic goals that make sense for elementary school students.

By the end of the project, I believe students will come to appreciate...

  • How this specific school community works and how to best serve their needs for a prosperous garden that will serve the school community for many years to come.
source: https://wiki.ubc.ca/Course:Course:LFS350/Projects/W2022/ChoiceSchool