24. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security – Youth Engagement in Ag and Food Systems 2


Project Title

Promoting Youth Engagement and Employment in Food Systems 2

Organization Name

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security


HLPE, food systems, literature review, infographics, youth employment

Related Course Concepts

Food justice, Food security, Cultural identities

Organization Information

Organization Name

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Committee on World Food Security

Mission and Vision of Organization


High Level Panel of Experts (HLPE) on food security and nutrition was established as part of the 2009 reform of the international governance of food security, to advise the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) which is the foremost intergovernmental and international platform dealing with food security and nutrition.


During its 46th Plenary Session (14 – 18 October 2019), the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) requested its High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) to produce a report entitled “Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems”, to be presented in 2021 (the request is provided below) 1 . The report, which will provide recommendations to the CFS workstream “Promoting youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems”, will: · Review the opportunities for, and constraining factors to youth engagement and employment in agriculture and food systems, including youth access to: 1. Knowledge, information and education; 2. Productive land, natural resources and inputs; 3. Productive tools, extension, advisory and financial services; 4. Training, education and mentorship programmes; 5. Innovation and new technologies; 6. Markets; 7. Policy-making processes; · Examine aspects related to employment, salaries, and working conditions; · Review rules, regulations and policy approaches, including territorial approaches, aimed at addressing the complexity of structural economic, cultural, social and spatial transformations currently taking place globally; · Explore the potential of food systems and enhanced rural-urban linkages to provide more and better jobs for women and youth.

Guiding Principles + Values

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform for all stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and nutrition for all. The Committee reports to the UN General Assembly through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and to FAO Conference. Using a multi-stakeholder, inclusive approach, CFS develops and endorses policy recommendations and guidance on a wide range of food security and nutrition topics. These are developed starting from scientific and evidence-based reports produced by the High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) and/or through work supported technically by The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP) and representatives of the CFS Advisory Group. CFS holds an annual Plenary session every October in FAO, Rome. Find out more about CFS and how it works in the About section.


Contact Information

  • Primary Contact Person(s): Hannah Wittman
  • Email: [[1]]
  • Phone: 778-999-1840  
  • Address: MCML 179
  • Website: www.ubcfarm.ubc.ca  

Preferred Method of Contact

  • Best method(s) to contact: Email
  • Best day(s) to contact:Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
  • Best time(s) to contact: Mornings

Preferred Platform(s) for Remote Collaboration

  • Email, Zoom
  • n/a

Project Description

Context: What challenge or issue does the project aim to address?


The Project Team #16 will produce a report, which will be presented at the World Committee on Food Security, to advise member governments on how to increase youth engagement and employment in food systems.

Main Project Activities

Data compilation on youth employment and engagement in food systems e.g. profiles of nutrition and dietetics training programs, prospects for employment in nutrition and dietetics globally. profiles of food literacy education programs globally (along with any data available) profiles of innovative youth entrepreneurship activities in agriculture and food systems that generate high potential for future employment and engagement. The students will also have the opportunity to propose topics etc for exploration, based on the draft scope report which will go out for global e-consultation in early September.

Expected Project Deliverable(s)

  • 5 infographics 5 "boxes" describing innovative case studies or compiled data
  • 5 "figures" of compiled data along with explanatory paragraphs.
  • a complete annotated reference list.

Intended Project Outcome

That the V1 report due in Early January to the FAO-CFS will be evidence based and include aspects of the food system (nutrition, food literacy, food systems education, food processing, and consumer engagement) beyond agriculture production. Our team is quite strong on the agriculture/production side and we need support across the food system.

Student Assets and Skills (preferred or required)

  • data synthesis and literature review. Strong writing skills. Strong graphic/infographic skills. Strong communication skills.

Student Assets and Skills (to be developed through the project)

  • Food Systems thinking; policy engagement; evidence-based decision making.

Are there any mandatory attendance dates (e.g. special event)?

  • n/a

Is a criminal record search (CRS) required?


If a criminal record search is required, when should the process be initiated?  

Preferred Days of Week and Hours


Related Community Service Opportunities for Students


Required Reading

Project/Partner Orientation Materials

Students should review these materials prior to the first partner meeting:

  • I will share the current scoping draft via email with Colin/Stephanie by Sept 8, and the students should read it prior to us meeting. They should read the websites indicated in the previous boxes (about the FAO, HLPE, the CFS, and the Project Scope description).

Additional Project/Partner Orientation Materials

The following will be provided at the first community partner meeting:

  • n/a

Expected Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

I hope students will learn about...

  • evidence based policy-making at the international level

I think students will come to appreciate...

  • the complexity of policy making in intersectional contexts

Through this project, students will develop...

  • team work skills, policy communication skills

Organizational Outcomes

How does the student project contribute to your organization's mission and long-term vision?

Contributing a rigorous evidence base for policy making, using a food systems framework based on equity, access and rights.

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source: https://wiki.ubc.ca/Course:LFS350/Projects/F2020/UNWorldFoodSecurity2